Bad days != Bad life

Ankita Y.
2 min readMar 18, 2022
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Have you ever had one of those bad, sad, dragging day? When you felt diminished, or like a bad person, or a bad friend, or a bad everything. When even getting out bed felt like an effort. When you felt physically exhausted, emotionally drained. When you had zero motivation to start your day. Or when you just got into a bad mood with absolutely no reason.

Chances are — you did!

At that time, you feel that life has thrown all the disappointments on your side. Some of you might scream loud at your juniors or partner and some might don’t speak anything at all. Everything might seem useless to you. You can’t even find a meaning to your own existence.

But, I just want to say, it’s okay. It’s really okay to not to be okay sometimes. You’re not the single individual who is going through this state of mind. You too are a human being and you’re behaving like one. You’re not here to prove anything to anyone. Don’t start hiding your feelings just because you’re afraid of people’s perspectives. Accept your feelings. Accept that you are a human. And to err is human.

You need to learn to respect your own self. Respect your feelings. Embrace your emotions, even if negative. Don’t be harsh on yourself, and on others too. Speak to your self, with dignity. We all demand happiness from our lives and happiness should be on the top among our list priorities. However, this doesn’t make it illegal to have a bad mood.

A reminder: This article is not to guide you upon how can you turn around a bad day into a pleasing one. Each one of us is a different individual, with different feelings and different perspectives of looking at things. So, you need to find your own ways to take steps towards happiness.

Next time when you have a bad day, remember to be kind with yourself. The world isn’t made of only rainbows, you won’t always get what you desire for and that’s just life.

Bad days are just a phase, they aren’t equivalent to a bad life.



Ankita Y.

Writer by passion | Reader by chance | A damn good listener